Jul 22, 2011

The Monthly Spotlight: Allo Darlin' "Darren"

OK, this is the first monthly spotlight. The idea just came to me when I was listening to Allo Darlin' for the first time. A band will be highlighted, more or less monthly, in the sidebar by a streaming player and be blogged about in a 'The Monthly Spotlight' post.

This song inspired me and that's what good music does, it inspires the listeners, at least the listeners who enjoy what they're hearing, in a myriad of ways. Rapid-fire hand claps open the song, soon the oddly Nico-shaped and twee vocals rise up with a thumping bass and the magnetic crunchy guitar. "Darren" rushes along like mainlined sugar. Pop that gets you high for three and a half minutes, or so? Yes, please.

Allo Darlin's "Darren" can be streamed in the right sidebar.

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